The James Hartline Report - Breaking News!
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War-
January 9, 2008 (12:30pm.pst)
Discrimination In City Council Race Leaves Christian Candidate
Out of Candidate Forum Being Held At Gay-Friendly Church
San Diego Christian City Council Candidate James Hartline Is Denied
Participation In Campaign Event That Will Feature Gay Candidates At
Kensington Community Church
(JHReport) San Diego, California is a city that has been overrun with scandals, corruption, federal court indictments and city councilmembers who have been convicted on bribery charges in recent years. Now voters in the midst of the 2008 elections can add illegal discrimination to the litany of political problems which are plaguing the City of San Diego. At the center of these new and troubling allegations is Kensington Community Church, a large, gay-friendly church that will be the location for a significant San Diego City Council candidate forum on January 16, 2008.
Kensington Community Church, a member of the United Church of Christ denomination, allows the Kensington-Talmadge Community Association to hold a monthly event on its church property. Scheduled for the community association's upcoming January 16, 2008 monthly event at the church will be a candidate forum featuring candidates from San Diego's District 3 city council race. District 3 is home to a large portion of San Diego's homosexual movement. James Hartline, a well-known Christian activist and opponent of corruption within San Diego's gay community, is a leading candidate in that city council race. Despite his prominence in the city council race, Hartline says he is not being permitted to particpate in a forum with the other candidates at the gay-friendly church.
Hartline, who has consistently exposed corruption inside of San Diego's gay community, believes that an attempt to keep him away from voters during the meeting at the church is part of a discriminatory scheme by political powerbrokers who want to prevent him from winning the election. Hartline did not receive an invitation to the candidate's forum at the church like the other candidates in his district race did. Hartline says that he would not have even known that a candidate forum was being conducted at the church except for the fact that the campaign forum is currently advertised on the website of one of the other candidates who is running against him in the District 3 race.
Todd Gloria, a homosexual activist who supports same-sex marriage and the legalization of male sodomy in the U.S. military, has been invited to the candidate forum at the church. It is Todd Gloria who is advertising the candidate forum at Kensington Community Church on his campaign website.
Hartline also contacted John Hartley, another candidate in the District 3 race, to ask him if he knew about the candidate forum at the Kensington-based church. "Yes, I know about the event, I've been personally invited," Hartley told James Hartline yesterday during a brief phone conversation. Hartley's personal invitation points to severe hypocrisy, as well as the corruptive nature of politics, in San Diego. John Hartley is listed as the coordinator on a website called Neighborhoods For Clean Elections. Hartley's website states: Clean Elections will clean up San Diego City Hall and return city government to the Neighborhoods. Apparently, Hartley's message of clean elections does not extend to James Hartline's right to appear with other candidates at the gay-friendly Kensington Community Church.
This is not the first time that groups inside of San Diego's homosexual community have attempted to block Hartline's appearance during campaign events where his opponents have been allowed to speak. According to a report in Political Voice, the San Diego Democratic Club voted to not invite James Hartline to its June 28, 2007 candidate forum. Despite the group's bylaws which state that all candidates in non-partisan races are to be invited to its forums, boardmembers asked its organizational members to waive their bylaws and affirm their decision to not invite the Christian activist. Political Voice stated that Hartline was not invited because "of his 'anti-LGBT views' and his 'tendency' to cause disruption in public forums."
The problem of a church allowing a political group to use its property is a tenuous one at best. What makes this issue of excluding a Christian candidate from a church property even more dilatorious, is the covert manner in which Hartline has been excluded from the event. Hartline, and his campaign attorney, Robert Sutton, believe that moral, ethical and legal boundaries have been crossed by the Kensington-Talmadge Community Association by excluding him from a campaign event at the church.
"It is a sad day for San Diegans, when a church allows a community group to use its facility and that community group is keeping a Christian from participating in a candidate forum on the church property," said San Diego Christian activist James Hartline.
"We have now seen the most vile form of discrimination in San Diego," Hartline adds. "A church property being used as a location for denying a Christian candidate his legal right to be a part of the politicial process is not something that we can tolerate in our city or our nation."
Although Hartline has become a regular target of discrimination and many times been threatened by members of San Diego's gay community, he vows to continue fighting for his fellow Christians and the people of his city to have their voices heard at city hall. "I will not allow the religious bigotry that has been sent my way by a community group using the Kensington Community Church to deter me from making my stand for the people of San Diego," declares a very serious James Hartline.
Hartline believes that even if he is prevented from speaking on the property of Kensington Community Church, that other churches will uphold his constitutional right to be heard during this election. "Political corruption will not stop me. Bigotry will not deter me. Discrimination will not beat me," he says.
While Hartline is being prevented from participating in the candidate forum on the church property, it appears that the floodgates of disturbing and questionable forms of religious activities are going on at the church. A homosexual square dancing group and yoga classes are listed on Kensington Community Church's website of scheduled events. Hartline says that he finds it incredible that a church is allowing its property to be used for a homosexual square dancing party. According to the website for San Diego's Finest City Squares, the group is a square dance club serving the lesbian and gay community in the San Diego area. The website also lists Kensington Community Church as the location for its monthly dance party.
Hartline finds it equally disturbing that a church would allow its property to be used by a community association that allows candidates engaged in homosexuality to speak at a candidate forum, but not a Christian man who obeys the Bible and has left the homosexual lifestyle. Hartline also sees Kensington Community Church bearing legal responsibility for the illegal discrimination being waged against him. Hartline points to the fact that the church website advertises the monthly dinner that will include the candidate forum on their list of church programs.
Denying James Hartline his legal right to appear with the other city council candidates at the church also involves the appearance that governmental sources are being used against the Christian activist. The Kensington/Talmadge Community Association is promoted on the government-funded website of lesbian San Diego City Councilwoman Toni Atkins. James Hartline has repeatedly spoken out against Atkins during public appearances at the San Diego City Council. While Atkins is promoting the Kensington/Talmadge Community Association on the taxpayer-funded city council website, the association is refusing to allow Hartline to appear along with other candidates at the Kensington Community Church.
According to a May 22, 2007 transcript from a meeting of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, County Supervisor Ron Roberts recommended that $40,000 in taxpayer funds be given to the Kensington/Talmadge Community Association for a new gateway sign in their community. While the association doesn't mind taking public funds for community signs, it seems to have a real problem allowing a Christian to speak at their community's church.
It is not only local politics which are playing a role in the discrimination against James Hartline in his bid to replace lesbian Councilwoman Toni Atkins in the 3rd District of the San Diego City Council. Congresswoman Susan Davis, who represents the area in congress, has addressed the Kensington-Talmadge Community Association during its monthly meeting at the Kensington Community Church. Congresswoman Davis, who has a history of promoting the extremist interests of the radical homosexual movement, made these comments in her May 2007 congressional newsletter:
"I was grateful to have an opportunity to address the members of the Kensington-Talmadge Community Association on Wednesday, April 11. The association's monthly dinner gathering is an opportunity for members to gather together, share stories, and build a sense of community. As a resident of Kensington for nearly 35 years, it is always a treat to spend time with my neighbors and discuss the issues of the day. Among the topics that we discussed were election reform, education, the war in Iraq, and immigration."
Todd Gloria, the city council candidate who is challenging Hartline for the District 3 City Council seat, is employed by Congresswoman Susan Davis. Gloria has used his position with Congresswoman Davis' office to appear at a multitude of Kensington-Talmadge Community events under the guise of representing her office. Keen observers have often commented that it was hard to determine whether Gloria was at these community events to represent Davis' congressional office or whether he was using these events as public appearance opportunities for his own city council campaign. One thing is certain, Congresswoman Davis' employee, Todd Gloria, has been invited to speak at the Kensington Community Church during the candidate forum and James Hartline is being denied that same constitutional right.
While leaders within San Diego's homosexual movement may currently have the upper hand in controlling who speaks at certain community events during the 2008 elections, James Hartline believes that his faith in God will eventually overcome their discrimination against Christians. "This is not about gay rights," says Hartline. "This is about anti-christian bigotry which controls much of the radical ideology that dictates the marching orders given to followers of the American homosexual movement."
"I have overcome thirty years of homosexuality to become a free man in Jesus Christ. I have outlived the death sentence of AIDS. And I will certainly overcome the discrimination that is preventing me from speaking at a candidate forum along with the other candidates in my district race," declares James Hartline.
Take Action!
If you would like to stand with James Hartline in his quest for justice during
his campaign for the San Diego City Council, District 3 race, you can take action!
Contact, Kensington Community Church, the Kensington/Talmadge Community
Association, and San Diego City Officials. Tell them that James Hartline must
be included in all open campaign forums where the other candidates are invited.
Kensington Community Church
4773 Marlborough Dr.,
San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 284-1129(619) 284-0160 FAXPastor: Rev. Bruce Larson / email:
Mike Stone, Dir. of Religious Education & Programs:
Debbie Walloch, Church Office Manager:
Kensington-Talmadge Community Association - According to The chair is Dr. Harold Koenig and they meet every third Wednesday at the Kensington Community Church, 4773 Marlborough Drive, beginning at 6:30pm.
Kensington-Talmadge Business AssociationTelephone: (619) 269-9322
Kensington-Talmadge Planning Committee
Telephone: (619) 269-2079
San Diego City and Election Officials:
San Diego Ethics CommissionPhone: (619) 533-3476Fax: (619) 533-3448E-mail:
San Diego City Attorney
Telephone: (619) 236-6220Fax: (619) 236-7215E-mail:
San Diego Mayor's Office
Mayor Jerry Sanders
Phone: (619) 236-6330Fax: (619) 236-7228
San Diego City Clerk
Phone: (619) 533-4000Fax: (619) 533-4045email:
San Diego City Councilmembers
District 1, Scott Peters -
District 2, Kevin Faulconer -
District 3, Toni Atkins -
District 4, Tony Young -
District 5, Brian Maienschein -
District 6, Donna Frye - donnafrye@sandiego.govDistrict 7, Jim Madaffer -
District 8, Ben Hueso -
This has been an exclusive James Hartline Report Update.
Now Read Daily By Over 16,000 Concerned Citizens Of Conviction.
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Have You Started Making Yours Yet?
You can read other major Christian Conservative news stories
at California Christian News
James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
James Hartline On Nationwide Broadcast of Crosstalk Radio Talk Show - Monday / January 7, 2008
Crosstalk Radio Talk Show LIVE is welcoming San Diego City Council candidate James Hartline to its groundbreaking national program
on Monday - January 7, 2008.
Popular host Ingrid Schlueter will be talking to James Hartline about his popular news reports from the James Hartline Report. In addition James will be talking about his great life after completely leaving a thirty-year involvement in the homosexual lifestyle. You don't want to miss "Life After Homosexuality," in this interview that will be broadcast nationwide on 87 radio stations.
You can listen LIVE to Crosstalk Radio Talk Show by going to:
And click Crosstalk Live at 2pm central standard time
and 12noon pacific standard time.
Faith! Freedom! Life in Jesus Christ! Read the Bible and find out how you can have the same great life that James Hartline has experienced after he completely left thirty years of involvement in the destructive life of homosexuality!
With God EVERYTHING is possible!
You can visit James Hartline's innovative campaign website at
There Ain't No Stopping him now, because if God is for James, who can really be against him!
on Monday - January 7, 2008.
Popular host Ingrid Schlueter will be talking to James Hartline about his popular news reports from the James Hartline Report. In addition James will be talking about his great life after completely leaving a thirty-year involvement in the homosexual lifestyle. You don't want to miss "Life After Homosexuality," in this interview that will be broadcast nationwide on 87 radio stations.
You can listen LIVE to Crosstalk Radio Talk Show by going to:
And click Crosstalk Live at 2pm central standard time
and 12noon pacific standard time.
Faith! Freedom! Life in Jesus Christ! Read the Bible and find out how you can have the same great life that James Hartline has experienced after he completely left thirty years of involvement in the destructive life of homosexuality!
With God EVERYTHING is possible!
You can visit James Hartline's innovative campaign website at
There Ain't No Stopping him now, because if God is for James, who can really be against him!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
James Hartline To Appear On Coach Dave Daubenmire's National Radio Show

Get ready for the combustible fireworks of Coach Dave Daubenmire as he hosts Pass The Salt on WLRY 88.9FM this Saturday from 9-11am est.
This week Coach Dave will have James Hartline as his guest. Hartline, a warrior candidate for the San Diego City Council, will be discussing with Coach Dave, a wide variety of topics including the culture war, Christians in politics, and life after homosexuality.
Coach Dave is known around the nation as Coach to the Church. After a lengthy battle with the ACLU, who was suing Dave because he had the audacity to pray with his team prior to sporting events, Coach Dave left his beloved teaching and coaching job to become one of America's firebrand soldiers in the great American Culture War.
James Hartline is another firebrand soldier in the Great American Culture War. Eight years ago, James left a thirty-year experience in the homosexual lifestyle. Today James writes and speaks about his many years in the culture war trenches. He is also a leading contender for a seat on the San Diego City Council. Hundreds of San Diegans are entering into politics for the first time ever to stand with James as he stands up for the Lord Jesus Christ in a city that is desperate for a new type of uncompromising political leader.
You can listen LIVE to the fascinating and thought-provoking interview between Coach Dave and James Hartline by logging onto: clicking on Listen Live.
San Diego time for the interview is 6am. Other times are in accordance with your respective time zones.
You can learn more about the stand that Coach Dave Daubenmire is making throughout America by going to his website:
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
HELP IS ON THE WAY! Elect James Hartline To The San Diego City Council in 2008
The Campaign of James Hartline
For The San Diego City Council
~ Presents ~
Help Is On The Way!
James Hartline For The San Diego City Council - District 3
Therefore, thus says the LORD,
"If you return to Me, then I will restore you;
Before Me, your God, you will stand;
And if you extract the precious from the worthless,
You will become My spokesman.
Jeremiah 15:19
To my many friends throughout America:
Eight years ago, after a lifetime of homosexuality, drug abuse and hopelessness, I finally gave all of my life to Jesus Christ. I didn't just give Him a portion of my existence: I gave Him everything. At that time, Jesus Christ became my eternal purpose for existing on this earth. The Lord was not just a religious experience for me. Indeed, Jesus became my earthly mandate. In 2000, when I gave up all of my homosexual relationships and allowed God to take away the desire for that destructive sin, God said to me, "Now follow me and watch what happens!"
Over the past five years, I have led the charge in shutting down eight pornographic businesses in the City of San Diego. One of those destructive businesses included a gay sex club that was the location where a multitude of young men had done illegal drugs and had sex while infected with the AIDS virus. In 2005, I led an investigation that uncovered a network of pedophiles who were working around minors in the San Diego Gay Pride organization. As a result of that investigation, we were able to stop the San Diego City Council from issuing a proclamation to declare Gay Pride Week in the City of San Diego. These endeavors were just a small portion of what I have helped to bring to the City of San Diego during the past seven years.
In 2003, I helped launch the Hillcrest Mission, a successful 501(c)3 charity, to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ inside of San Diego's homosexual community. Under my leadership, the Hillcrest Mission held a major conference in 2006 called "Shake the Nation." Shake the Nation featured some of America's top pro-family leaders and activists, including prominent religious attorneys Charles LiMandri and Brad Dacus and renowned author and speaker William J. Federer.
From 2004 to 2006, I helped rally hundreds of concerned citizens to save the Mt. Soledad Cross from being torn down. In 2004, we were moving ever closer to having the cross removed from the famous Mt. Soledad Veteran's War Memorial. My involvement with Mission Valley Christian Fellowship culminated in a massive religious liberty rally at the war memorial the night before the November 2004 presidential elections. With the phenomenal help of religious liberty attorney Charles LiMandri, Congressman Duncan Hunter and President Bush, we were able to permanently secure the cross at its current location atop Mt. Soledad.
In 2007, I helped organize a complicated event at Petco Park to protest the San Diego Padres who were allowing a radical homosexual group to hold a homosexual celebration at the stadium at the same time that the team had already invited thousands of young kid to participate in a "free floppy cap giveaway" event at the ballpark. Over 100 San Diegans joined me at this righteous protest where we distributed thousands of Bible tracts and information about the homosexual movement to baseball fans and families. Bill O'Reilly's popular "The O'Reilly Factor" and many local television stations provided national and local news coverage of our protest.
Prior to July of 2003, I had never once sent out an email. I did not even know how emails worked at that time. Despite being an internet novice at that time, I decided to start emailing friends and churchmembers about the corruption going on in San Diego and the homosexual community. Within weeks of sending my first James Hartline Report email news alert in 2003, my original email list of 20 people grew into hundreds. Four years later, I have the largest Christian email mailing list in San Diego County. Each month, over 100,000 emails are sent out by the James Hartline Report -- a phenomenal accomplishment for a man who was computer illiterate five years ago!
With a determination to serve God and help Christians everywhere, my original James Hartline Report email news updates have multiplied into many different arenas. In the past year, I began publishining a fully comprehensive news website called California Christian News. Last year also saw me publish my first ministry booklet, "Broken Rainbow -- After The Gay Life Isn't Gay Anymore." In 2006, my life story was featured on an international broadcoast of the 700 Club.
In all of my various ministry accomplishments and Christian activism, I have never once compromised my commitment to Jesus Christ. What people see of me in public is exactly how I live my life behind closed doors. One of the main messages that I have labored to convey to my fellow Christians is that we don't have to compromise our values or public stand for Jesus Christ to accomplish the assignments that God has given us. Too many of our American political and religious leaders who claim to be Christians, have betrayed us and our Biblical values with moral, financial and culture denials of Jesus Christ. I have proven that we can stand strong for God in the American culture and we don't have to deny our commitment to Christ in the process.
In the last four years, I have developed a Christian Citizenship group called "The Not On My Watch Team." At least eight times per year our team goes to the San Diego City Council where we speak out on issues of moral consequence. As a result of our efforts at city hall, many San Diegans have been inspired to become involved in the restoration of our city's decaying moral foundation. Many other citizens in other American cities have duplicated our organizational efforts by creating their own civic watchgroups.
And now in 2008, I am setting my eyes on an even higher prize:
I am running for a seat on the San Diego City Council.
Eight years ago, God told me to leave my old lifestyle behind, to pick up my cross, and to follow Him. I have never looked back. Even though there have been many times where I have stood in the fires of controversy, in the winds of persecution, and in the storms of sacrifice, I have been obedient to the call that God gave me those many years ago. Now, with the same dedication I have carried out over these past eight years, I am going to the next level.
Will You Support James Hartline in his bid to bring
Justice, Integrity and Strong Moral Values
back to the San Diego City Council in 2008?
I am committed to bringing justice, integrity and strong moral standards to the San Diego City Council when I am elected. There will be no compromising these values once I am elected. I am determed to see that the broken moral compass in our city is mended.
Just like when God said to the prophet Jeremiah, "if you will extract the precious from the worthless, you will be My spokesman," I feel that same mandate upon my life in this campaign. I intend to represent Jesus Christ and my fellow Christians on the San Diego City Council.
Will You Support James Hartline in his bid to bring
Justice, Integrity and Strong Moral Values
back to the San Diego City Council in 2008?
Will you help me in this great cause to bring about
a great civic revival in San Diego through my campaign.
There are five ways that you can help me in this effort.
1. Contribute financially to my campaign.
Each donor can contribute up to $270 to my campaign this election cycle.
Please write your check and include the following information with your donation:
a. name, b. address, c. telephone number, d. employer, e. occupation.
Make checks out to Hartline For City Council and mail them and information to:
Hartline For City Council
P. O. Box 632763
San Diego, CA. 92163
2. Endorse my campaign.
Send me an email to
Write: I endorse James Hartline For San Diego City Council
Include your name, employer, occupation, address and telephone number.
3. Spread the word to voters in District 3, via emails,
telephone calls and conversations.
We really need to get pastors in San Diego to help motivate their congregations
to support my campaign. With the pastors of San Diego involved, I will win this
campaign. Get your churches involved to walk District 3 and encourage the voters
to support me. And you can take this opportunity to talk to them about the Lord as
well. Make this a spiritual and political crusade for revival in San Diego!
Here are the communities in District 3: Balboa Park • City Heights • Golden Hill • Hillcrest • Kensington • Normal Heights • North Park • South Park • Talmadge • University Heights
4. Volunteer to walk the district and talk to voters.
We will be having several walking tours in District 3 to talk to voters and
businessowners about my campaign. Let me know if you are willing to volunteer
for this important project.
5. Commit to praying regularly for me during this campaign.
For the past eight years I have prayed for many people and situations and I have
seen miracle after miracle. Simply put: Prayer Works! Please let me know that
you will be praying for me during this campaign. Pray for God's favor to be upon
my life and campaign and for God to reveal successful strategies for winning this
difficult battle and for winning our city to Jesus Christ in the process.
This has been a news update from
The Campaign of James Hartline For City Council
San Diego City Council - District 3
Please visit the Hartline For City Council Website at:
Telephone number: 619-793-9661
For The San Diego City Council
~ Presents ~
Help Is On The Way!
James Hartline For The San Diego City Council - District 3
Therefore, thus says the LORD,
"If you return to Me, then I will restore you;
Before Me, your God, you will stand;
And if you extract the precious from the worthless,
You will become My spokesman.
Jeremiah 15:19
To my many friends throughout America:
Eight years ago, after a lifetime of homosexuality, drug abuse and hopelessness, I finally gave all of my life to Jesus Christ. I didn't just give Him a portion of my existence: I gave Him everything. At that time, Jesus Christ became my eternal purpose for existing on this earth. The Lord was not just a religious experience for me. Indeed, Jesus became my earthly mandate. In 2000, when I gave up all of my homosexual relationships and allowed God to take away the desire for that destructive sin, God said to me, "Now follow me and watch what happens!"
Over the past five years, I have led the charge in shutting down eight pornographic businesses in the City of San Diego. One of those destructive businesses included a gay sex club that was the location where a multitude of young men had done illegal drugs and had sex while infected with the AIDS virus. In 2005, I led an investigation that uncovered a network of pedophiles who were working around minors in the San Diego Gay Pride organization. As a result of that investigation, we were able to stop the San Diego City Council from issuing a proclamation to declare Gay Pride Week in the City of San Diego. These endeavors were just a small portion of what I have helped to bring to the City of San Diego during the past seven years.
In 2003, I helped launch the Hillcrest Mission, a successful 501(c)3 charity, to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ inside of San Diego's homosexual community. Under my leadership, the Hillcrest Mission held a major conference in 2006 called "Shake the Nation." Shake the Nation featured some of America's top pro-family leaders and activists, including prominent religious attorneys Charles LiMandri and Brad Dacus and renowned author and speaker William J. Federer.
From 2004 to 2006, I helped rally hundreds of concerned citizens to save the Mt. Soledad Cross from being torn down. In 2004, we were moving ever closer to having the cross removed from the famous Mt. Soledad Veteran's War Memorial. My involvement with Mission Valley Christian Fellowship culminated in a massive religious liberty rally at the war memorial the night before the November 2004 presidential elections. With the phenomenal help of religious liberty attorney Charles LiMandri, Congressman Duncan Hunter and President Bush, we were able to permanently secure the cross at its current location atop Mt. Soledad.
In 2007, I helped organize a complicated event at Petco Park to protest the San Diego Padres who were allowing a radical homosexual group to hold a homosexual celebration at the stadium at the same time that the team had already invited thousands of young kid to participate in a "free floppy cap giveaway" event at the ballpark. Over 100 San Diegans joined me at this righteous protest where we distributed thousands of Bible tracts and information about the homosexual movement to baseball fans and families. Bill O'Reilly's popular "The O'Reilly Factor" and many local television stations provided national and local news coverage of our protest.
Prior to July of 2003, I had never once sent out an email. I did not even know how emails worked at that time. Despite being an internet novice at that time, I decided to start emailing friends and churchmembers about the corruption going on in San Diego and the homosexual community. Within weeks of sending my first James Hartline Report email news alert in 2003, my original email list of 20 people grew into hundreds. Four years later, I have the largest Christian email mailing list in San Diego County. Each month, over 100,000 emails are sent out by the James Hartline Report -- a phenomenal accomplishment for a man who was computer illiterate five years ago!
With a determination to serve God and help Christians everywhere, my original James Hartline Report email news updates have multiplied into many different arenas. In the past year, I began publishining a fully comprehensive news website called California Christian News. Last year also saw me publish my first ministry booklet, "Broken Rainbow -- After The Gay Life Isn't Gay Anymore." In 2006, my life story was featured on an international broadcoast of the 700 Club.
In all of my various ministry accomplishments and Christian activism, I have never once compromised my commitment to Jesus Christ. What people see of me in public is exactly how I live my life behind closed doors. One of the main messages that I have labored to convey to my fellow Christians is that we don't have to compromise our values or public stand for Jesus Christ to accomplish the assignments that God has given us. Too many of our American political and religious leaders who claim to be Christians, have betrayed us and our Biblical values with moral, financial and culture denials of Jesus Christ. I have proven that we can stand strong for God in the American culture and we don't have to deny our commitment to Christ in the process.
In the last four years, I have developed a Christian Citizenship group called "The Not On My Watch Team." At least eight times per year our team goes to the San Diego City Council where we speak out on issues of moral consequence. As a result of our efforts at city hall, many San Diegans have been inspired to become involved in the restoration of our city's decaying moral foundation. Many other citizens in other American cities have duplicated our organizational efforts by creating their own civic watchgroups.
And now in 2008, I am setting my eyes on an even higher prize:
I am running for a seat on the San Diego City Council.
Eight years ago, God told me to leave my old lifestyle behind, to pick up my cross, and to follow Him. I have never looked back. Even though there have been many times where I have stood in the fires of controversy, in the winds of persecution, and in the storms of sacrifice, I have been obedient to the call that God gave me those many years ago. Now, with the same dedication I have carried out over these past eight years, I am going to the next level.
Will You Support James Hartline in his bid to bring
Justice, Integrity and Strong Moral Values
back to the San Diego City Council in 2008?
I am committed to bringing justice, integrity and strong moral standards to the San Diego City Council when I am elected. There will be no compromising these values once I am elected. I am determed to see that the broken moral compass in our city is mended.
Just like when God said to the prophet Jeremiah, "if you will extract the precious from the worthless, you will be My spokesman," I feel that same mandate upon my life in this campaign. I intend to represent Jesus Christ and my fellow Christians on the San Diego City Council.
Will You Support James Hartline in his bid to bring
Justice, Integrity and Strong Moral Values
back to the San Diego City Council in 2008?
Will you help me in this great cause to bring about
a great civic revival in San Diego through my campaign.
There are five ways that you can help me in this effort.
1. Contribute financially to my campaign.
Each donor can contribute up to $270 to my campaign this election cycle.
Please write your check and include the following information with your donation:
a. name, b. address, c. telephone number, d. employer, e. occupation.
Make checks out to Hartline For City Council and mail them and information to:
Hartline For City Council
P. O. Box 632763
San Diego, CA. 92163
2. Endorse my campaign.
Send me an email to
Write: I endorse James Hartline For San Diego City Council
Include your name, employer, occupation, address and telephone number.
3. Spread the word to voters in District 3, via emails,
telephone calls and conversations.
We really need to get pastors in San Diego to help motivate their congregations
to support my campaign. With the pastors of San Diego involved, I will win this
campaign. Get your churches involved to walk District 3 and encourage the voters
to support me. And you can take this opportunity to talk to them about the Lord as
well. Make this a spiritual and political crusade for revival in San Diego!
Here are the communities in District 3: Balboa Park • City Heights • Golden Hill • Hillcrest • Kensington • Normal Heights • North Park • South Park • Talmadge • University Heights
4. Volunteer to walk the district and talk to voters.
We will be having several walking tours in District 3 to talk to voters and
businessowners about my campaign. Let me know if you are willing to volunteer
for this important project.
5. Commit to praying regularly for me during this campaign.
For the past eight years I have prayed for many people and situations and I have
seen miracle after miracle. Simply put: Prayer Works! Please let me know that
you will be praying for me during this campaign. Pray for God's favor to be upon
my life and campaign and for God to reveal successful strategies for winning this
difficult battle and for winning our city to Jesus Christ in the process.
This has been a news update from
The Campaign of James Hartline For City Council
San Diego City Council - District 3
Please visit the Hartline For City Council Website at:
Telephone number: 619-793-9661
Sunday, November 4, 2007
If you mess with our kids, than I'm going to mess with you!
Thought For The Day:
"If you mess with our kids, than I'm going to mess with you!"James Hartline, Candidate - San Diego City Council, District 3
Bible Passage Of The Day:
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2
DID YOU KNOW? In my efforts to protect our community's women from being assaulted and raped, I have discovered that there is a violent sex offender who roams the streets of as a homeless person! That's right, a man who was convicted of drugging women and then raping them while they were unconscious, lives as a homeless person on the streets of Hillcrest. I have spent many hours going around the area that he hangs out and talking with the ladies and young girls to warn them about this rapist. Ladies...YOU NEED TO KNOW: many sex offenders live as homeless persons so that the police officers have a harder time tracking them down. Ladies and Moms, make sure that you check out the Megan's Law Website to see if you recognize a predator hanging around your home. The sad part is that a local female police sgt. would not even check out what this rapist was doing when I reported to her the activities of this guy. What if this guy decides to do drugs and attacks one of our community's women at night while they are walking or jogging? You can regularly see this rapist hanging out with the rest of the homeless drug addicts at the Jack In The Box restaurant on 7th & University Ave.
If you are having troubles and need prayer, send your prayer requests in. We have an extensive prayer team network that takes seriously your need for healing, prosperity, family disputes, addictions, fear, depression....whatever. We consider it an honor to serve God and to bring your needs to our Father in heaven during our prayer times. We love you and really do want you to achieve God's destiny for your life while you are on this earth!
"If you mess with our kids, than I'm going to mess with you!"James Hartline, Candidate - San Diego City Council, District 3
Bible Passage Of The Day:
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2
DID YOU KNOW? In my efforts to protect our community's women from being assaulted and raped, I have discovered that there is a violent sex offender who roams the streets of as a homeless person! That's right, a man who was convicted of drugging women and then raping them while they were unconscious, lives as a homeless person on the streets of Hillcrest. I have spent many hours going around the area that he hangs out and talking with the ladies and young girls to warn them about this rapist. Ladies...YOU NEED TO KNOW: many sex offenders live as homeless persons so that the police officers have a harder time tracking them down. Ladies and Moms, make sure that you check out the Megan's Law Website to see if you recognize a predator hanging around your home. The sad part is that a local female police sgt. would not even check out what this rapist was doing when I reported to her the activities of this guy. What if this guy decides to do drugs and attacks one of our community's women at night while they are walking or jogging? You can regularly see this rapist hanging out with the rest of the homeless drug addicts at the Jack In The Box restaurant on 7th & University Ave.
If you are having troubles and need prayer, send your prayer requests in. We have an extensive prayer team network that takes seriously your need for healing, prosperity, family disputes, addictions, fear, depression....whatever. We consider it an honor to serve God and to bring your needs to our Father in heaven during our prayer times. We love you and really do want you to achieve God's destiny for your life while you are on this earth!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
James Hartline Is A Big Clown!

Well, I took time off from my campaign for the San Diego City Council to do what I love to do: serve God and minister to the kids in our city. I let the ladies of Mission Valley Christian Fellowship talk me into dressing up as a clown for our Hallelujah Hoedown. At the Hoedown, we ministered to thousands of kids and their families at Qualcomm Stadium. We love our kids! And our San Diego families certainly needed a good celebration to forget, for a moment, the hardship of the terrible fires in recent days. Mission Valley Christian Fellowship, my home church here in San Diego, donated the entire cost of the event, so everything was free for the thousands of families that came to spend an alternative to Halloween with us.
For more information on Mission Valley Christian Fellowship and to see more of the crazy pictures from the Hallelujah Hoedown, go to
Monday, October 29, 2007
James Hartline On The Rick Amato Show Tonight.
James Hartline will be appearing on the Rick Amato Show tonight, October 29, 2007.
We will be discussing Hartline for City Council, District 3 Campaign, the Fires and the Prayer Rally at City Hall coming up on Tuesday - October 30, 2007.
Time: 10pm
Tune in to KCBQ - 1170am
Listen Live at:
You can learn more about the Rick Amato Show by visiting his website at:
Amato Talk
We will be discussing Hartline for City Council, District 3 Campaign, the Fires and the Prayer Rally at City Hall coming up on Tuesday - October 30, 2007.
Time: 10pm
Tune in to KCBQ - 1170am
Listen Live at:
You can learn more about the Rick Amato Show by visiting his website at:
Amato Talk
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